Kalkie Moon Gin Distillery Silos

Client Background

Kalki Moon Distilling Company is an artisan craft distiller in Bundaberg QLD Australia that distills world class Gin, Vodka and Rum. Owned and operated by Rick and Kylie Prosser, Kalki Moon has developed an enviable range since their first batching in 2017 and picked up a swag of top shelf awards along the way.

Project Requirement

Rick contacted the team at Enmach for a food grade full drain cone bottomed tank for molasses storage to replace his problematic flat bottomed tank that had 5 years of sludge in to bottom. Molasses is used in the Rum distilling process to make the distinctive flavored dark spirit we enjoy.

Solution Provided

Enmach supplied one of their PSL-16 poly distillery silos that has a storage capacity of 16000 liters and is rated to store products such as molasses with a 1.5 specific gravity. The cone base facilitates full drainage and clean out of product eliminating there being any leftover or sludge between batches.

Scope of Work

  • Product Design
  • Engineering
  • Product Manufacture
  • Delivery
  • Installation


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